Building process

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Flexible Six Step Plan

At Endeavour Homes, we follow a flexible six-step building plan for all of our construction projects. Our builders and designers will go through every stage of our plan with you to ensure that you are happy and comfortable every step of the way. Trust the builders with a plan in Nelson. 

Finding Your Section

Obviously, this is a personal choice, but should you need help evaluating your proposed purchase, talk to us first, for free.

Designing Your Home

Usually, a Site visit and the information provided in your design brief will be enough to complete a set of concept drawings for your comments. We will also give you an estimate of costs. Once the design process is completed we can then form a quote on the price.

Building Contract

When the price and specifications are finalised, we will then draw up the building agreement. Apart from the PC sums, prices are fixed. We will also refund any deposit paid at the design stage and understand if you wish to talk to your lawyer and/or bank. The Master Build 10 Year Guarantee is also signed. 

Building Consent

Once the contract is unconditional, the working drawings are lodged with the local Council for building consent. You will now complete a job sheet with Endeavour Homes, listing all your individual colour and product preferences.


With building consents issued, work can finally start on your new home.  Endeavour Homes will co-ordinate the entire building process, ensuring all tradesmen are on-site and on time. You are welcome to visit your site at any time, and when your home reaches the lock-up stage, we will give you the key.


Your home is finished, cleaned and inspected before handover to you. You move in with minimal stress and get to enjoy the next great stage in your life.
Exterior view of a constructed house
 Call us today to discuss our building solutions on (03) 544 0886
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